We all know that Facebook goes through updates periodically. This latest one changes how we are doing our event invites. We hear this question often. "When is your next meeting?" So we know you want to be there and we want to make it easy for you to do that!
Our events will be in our blog calendar still but for Facebook, they will only be on our public Facebook page. So follow these simple steps!
1. Go to our public Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/BWIofNCIL and click "Like"
2. On that page near the upcoming events, click "Subscribe"
Now you will receive invitations to upcoming events, reminders when an event is coming up that you have RSVP'd to attend, and updates such as if there were to be a cancellation due to weather.
Furthermore, in each event you can feel free to post if you are wondering if there is a specific type of carrier that will be there from our lending library or have questions regarding that event.